Smart Data & Multiservices

The most spectacular contribution of digital transformation are undoubtedly to be found in the activities until recently orphaned by IT solutions.

This is especially the case for multi-service activities: cleaning, security, reception and more generally all activities carried out by people. Far from replacing them, these digital solutions are associated with people so they can optimise their work organisation in line with their performance obligations. Indeed, the algorithmic processing of historical data either automatically captured or voluntarily declared makes it possible to anticipate task organisation and control quality.

This is what Sandrine Radé, Director of Organisation and Information Systems at Derichebourg Multiservices, demonstrated at the breakfast that Brighten organised for the European software solutions publisher MoveWORK. MoveWORK’s tools have enabled us to establish a partnership relationship with PMU for the management of its points of sale. “Customer performance transparency enables each stakeholder to anticipate and constantly adjust its own contribution to the different processes” she underlined.

« This collaboration, made possible by the tools, offers prime contractors the opportunity to re-appropriate their service quality challenges which, whatever the case, are always associated with their brand » recalled Patrick Tavaris, President of MoveWORK, as an introduction to the presentation.

It makes it possible to go beyond the legalisation of the customer-supplier contractual relationship to make the service provider, internal or external, a key player in the customer experience. “We are now part of a logic of co-construction with PMU around increasingly ambitious service and customer quality objectives” Sandrine concludes with enthusiasm.

Many large companies, especially those that operate in “Business to Customer” public services, have understood that service quality control is a brand value today, as essential as their product catalogue. Often outsourced in whole or in part, almost always based on human activities, the contribution of big data combined with business intelligence, like the MoveWork solutions, make it possible to bring multiservices into the 21st century thanks to digital technology.

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